Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Midsummer Day's Dream

To me, summer is the only season where days and nights are not that different.
The excessive lazying around, the warm stagnant air, the world appearing as a heavenly kingdom under the luminous sunlight... it all makes me feel like I'm living in a hazy, dreamlike state. I've forgotten how to move forward, instead, I spend hours just kind of floating in my own imagination.

There's nothing better than summer dreaming, really. It's like a melange of scattered thoughts whizzing about in your head. The problem is, you're too absentminded to really settle down and focus on one of them. So instead, you just take it all in. Little snippets of everything. Some related. Some completely foreign. Driving you to a dizzying but lovely madness.

Here's a glimpse at my midsummer day's dream!

Taken on East 45th Street, between 2nd and 3rd avenue. Featuring Maxwell Hall. A special thank you to the wonderful Cate. You are the best and only model I've ever worked with!

I hope these photos are as inspiring to you as they are to me. I sure sweated a lot to take some of them. I don't think I make very good choices considering my getup is barely breathable and includes my heaviest pair of winter boots. By the end of the day, I was basically a puddle.

But hey, we all know fashion comes at a cost. :)

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